AASV 2020 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia

Join us at AASV's 51st Annual Meeting. 2020: A Vision for the Future

Brasil Sul de Avicultura

Chapeco, Brazil Chapeco, Brazil

APC will attend this key Latin America poultry conference.

SwineTalks Web Conference

APC is pleased to sponsor and present at SwineTalks, the first online conference of the Global Swine Industry.

2021 Missouri Pork Expo: February 2-3

Margaritaville Lake Resort Lake of the Ozarks 494 Tan Tar A Drive, Osage Beach, MO, United States

Please join us at the 2021 Missouri Pork Expo, February 2-3, at their NEW location - Margaritaville Lake Resort in Osage Beach. You'll have the opportunity to visit with 90+

What The Sow Is Telling Us Webinar: February 18

Registration is open for the upcoming Sow webinar! Click to register now Topics include: Mortality Longevity Parity Dips Seasonality System Optimization Economic Impacts WHAT OUR PRESENTERS WILL DISCUSS: Dr. Steve Pollman