Since June 2022, the European Union has banned the use of therapeutic zinc oxide in weaning pig diets. Since then, the pig sector has needed to implement alternative ingredients to reduce mortality rates, which help piglets develop a strong and healthy digestive system.

APC’s Functional Proteins are an excellent alternative for helping European pig farmers maintain competitiveness. Numerous studies demonstrate plasma functional proteins’ effectiveness in improving piglet feeding and controlling pathogens infection such as E. Coli.

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    Amplify performance with plasma. Plasma is a powerful ingredient used in animal diets to help support immune health and positively impact key performance measures. AP 920 is used globally in swine, poultry, ruminant, aquaculture and companion animal diets. It is a safe, effective and essential health tool for animal agriculture and set the standard by which all other protein ingredients are measured. Plasma also offers superior functionality in wet pet food applications where improvements in emulsification, gelling and water holding capacity are desired.


    Appetein is unique, granulated plasma ingredient that works in the same manner as AP 920. Made using our specialized manufacturing processes, plasma is transformed into small granules, reducing dust and improving flowability. Customers appreciate the ease of product handling when adding Appetein to other ingredients or for top-dressing special diets.


    Pepteiva is a unique enzymatically hydrolyzed protein, allowed to be fed to all animal species, especially suited for use in pre-starters, milk replacers and feed for young animals including fish, poultry, piglets, calves and goats. Pepteiva can replace other proteins typically used in young animal diets and offers functionality and performance you can see in this critical growing phase.